Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Danya's memories

Danya (Danya Litvin): translated by Sasha

The arrival of the students from Cornell Hillel was filled with tons of conversations and a great deal of emotions. It is very pleasant to know (and be part of) such an incredible event and to also know that they are made possible by the JDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee through their short term service projects department). It was very cool to exchange different stories of our experiences living in Dnepropetrovsk with students from the Cornell Hillel and their experiences of living in America. We had a wonderful nine days together, and I believe that our conversations and friendship will continue for many years to come.

Original text

Литвин Даня:
- Приезд ребят из Гилель-Корнэлл – это масса общения и масса эмоций. Очень приятно, такие мероприятия возможны. Очень было здорово меняться опытом со студентами из Гилель-Корнэлл. Мы вместе провели замечательных девять дней. И я верю в то, что наше общение и сотрудничество продолжатся. Привет и огромное спасибо Джефу, Талу, Рэббеке, Эмили.

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