Trip has been amazing so far in every aspect. Signing off now for dinner and bowling with the Ukrainians, should be fun.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Getting our Hands Dirty by Jacob
Trip has been amazing so far in every aspect. Signing off now for dinner and bowling with the Ukrainians, should be fun.
Yuliya Shteynberg
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Carolyn's blog
Right now we are on the bus leaving Donetsk, after spending the last three days in the city working on the Hesed, or Jewish community center. My time in Donetsk really has been an unforgettable experience. Even though I am thousands of miles away from home, I have felt as comfortable in this city and with my Ukrainian peers as if I were in my own backyard. After going on a tour of the Hesed and seeing what a central role it plays in the lives of the Jews in the city, I felt such a strong connection to our work here. Many of the members of the Hesed have no other family, friends, or resources, and the Hesed gives them not only the vital resources they need to survive, but also gives them companionship and community. Our group spent the last two days renovating the Hesed yard, clearing the fields and creating a playground for little children. As soon as we set up the swing set, five little boys and girls ran over with huge smiles on their faces and couldn’t wait to use it. It was such a rewarding experience to see the children of Donetsk smile a little brighter because we came.
Today, I went with Danya, Jacob, and Sam to a “warm home,” or a home of one of the elderly Jewish Ukrainian women who opened her home to all the lonely Jews in her neighborhood to celebrate Shabbat together. Many of the elderly people at the warm home have no relatives and are completely isolated, but they have formed a sort of surrogate family at the warm home. The room really did effuse a certain warmth, and I felt like I was at a Thanksgiving dinner back at home. They prepared a feast for us, with different courses and fresh picked fruit from their gardens. The group all shared stories about the difficult times they endured during the Holocaust and the war, but even after talking about all of their hardships they still all managed to be the most vibrant group of 70 and 80 year olds I’ve ever seen. They told dirty jokes, tried to convince us to move to the Ukraine to marry their grandsons, and even served us some of their delicious homemade wine. They were so excited to talk to us, and even though we don’t speak the same language, we were still able to have a meaningful conversation (with Danya’s help translating of course) that lasted the whole meal.
It really is a great feeling to come to such a foreign place and still hear the same Jewish songs I learned growing up, and to know that I am not so different from my peers here. Even though this trip is going by too fast, I’m so excited for the next few days that we have in Dnepropetrovsk.
Yulia Garbunova
Самое приятное ощущение для человека – это когда ты видишь результат своей работы, и когда этот результат ценят те, для кого ты стараешься. Такие ощущения мы испытали в донецком Хеседе, где помогали облагораживать, строить и убирать двор.
Я смогла попробовать себя во всех видах деятельности – красила детскую площадку, бетонировала площадку под лавочки и столики, косила траву, садила цветы. Было очень приятно, когда каждый участник «Альтернативных каникул» был готов прийти на помощь по первому зову. И результат оказался ошеломляющим! Новая детская и спортивная площадки, почищенный от сорняков и старой листвы двор, свеже посаженные цветы, покрашенный забор, усовершенствованная теплотрасса и яркие воспоминания!
А вечером благодарные сотрудники и клиенты Хеседа устроили для нас праздничный концерт. Я в восторге от того, сколько талантов в Донецке, концерт был – истинное наслаждение.
Отдельное спасибо хочется сказать сотрудникам Хеседа за то, что самоотверженно помогали нам в облагораживании территории, а потом устроили незабываемую «барбекюшку» лучшими американскими хитами за последние 30 лет!
А нам время ехать в Днепропетровск, нас ждут «новые вершины», и новые добрые дела для нашей еврейской общины.
The best feeling for the person - it's when you see the result of their work, and when this result is appreciated by those for whom you try. we have experienced such feelings in Donetsk Hesed, where we helped elevate, build and clean the yard.
I was able to try all kinds of activities - painting playground, concrete pad for future benches and tables, cut the grass and planted flowers. It was good, when each participant of «Alternative holidays» was ready to come to the aid for the first call. And the result was stunning! New children's and sports grounds, yard cleaned from weeds and old foliage, fresh planted flowers, painted fences, improved heating and vivid memories!
And in the evening thanks to staff and Hesed clients arranged for our holiday concert. I am delighted with large amount of talented people in Donetsk, the concert was - a true delight.
Special thanks to Hesed staff for their help us to improve area, and then hold an unforgettable «BBQ-party» with the best American hits over the past 30 years!
And we have time to go to Dnepropetrovsk, we are waiting for «new heights», and the new good deeds for our Jewish community.
Day 2 by Josh Helfgott
Today was truly beautiful. In the morning we divided into small groups and visited the homes of locals who were being helped by the Hesed. My group visited the apartment of an elderly man, Pavel, with a magical spirit. On the ride to his apartment his social worker told us his story: at age 18, Pavel fell in love and got married. Soon afterwards, he was drafted into the military, and his wife left him after waiting two years for him to come home. He then moved in with his parents and stayed with them until they both passed away.
In 1998, Pavel’s life changed dramatically. He was beaten in a robbery and began to suffer a serious brain disease which left him barely able to walk. The thieves stole all of his irreplaceable identification documents and appropriated and sold his apartment, leaving Pavel alone in an abandoned apartment, hopelessly ill. The story is so tragic because Pavel cannot receive a pension from the government, as he has no documents except a passport that the Hesed helped him receive.
When I visited Pavel, I saw a man with a beautiful spirit. He cannot speak but he communicates with smiles and gestures. He was very emotionally expressive with his gestures; he is a warm man. His story touched me to the core of my being. Seeing Pavel’s smile and feeling his energy made me unable to understand how anyone could beat someone who is so kind.
He still lives in the abandoned apartment although the heating and gas have been cut off, as he cannot afford utilities. The apartment becomes extremely wet and cold in the wintertime. But, through the cold, Pavel remains warm with the help of the Hesed. Without them, Pavel wouldn’t be alive: they bring him hot meals every day, give him home care assistance, medicine, bedding to protect him from the cold, and clothes.
Leaving Pavel’s apartment was bittersweet – I wished I could help him more. Pavel deserves an apartment with heat and electricity. He deserves to be loved. He doesn’t deserve to be alone in an abandoned apartment. I am so thankful to the Hesed, though, for helping him stay warm, nourished, and alive.
Pavel is a wonderful man. He has a vibrant smile and a strong spirit. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to meet someone who, despite the extreme challenges he faces every day, stays so positive.
I’m excited to continue meeting members of the Jewish community in Ukraine. This is my first experience meeting any Jewish community outside of the United States and it has been amazing and eye opening. It’s only day two – who knows what the next eight days have in store!
August 4 by Allison
Today was our first full day in Dnepropetrovsk and what a full day it was! After waking up to a wonderful breakfast of cucumbers, cheese, eggs and yes…spaghetti, we broke up into smaller groups to go on home visits of elderly people and families with children at risk. My group went to see a man named Froim who lives by himself in a semi-basement apartment. He was one of 10 children but now has no family left. He told us stories about his family and what the JDC does for him. Despite everything he has a great spirit and really seemed to enjoy our visit.
We then went to the Dnepropetrovsk Hesed where we learned more about what the JDC does in Ukraine. We even got to tour the building and see for ourselves the many programs the Hesed offers. There was a children’s camp, a club for the disabled and the largest group, the elderly, with whom we got to sing and dance with!
As I write this we are on a bus to Donetsk to visit another Hesed and meet more Hillel peers! After a long day we are glad to take the bus ride to visit with peers and rest. We are all very excited to arrive in Donetsk in just a few hours.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Vova’s impressions
Двухмесячные приготовления к долгожданному проекту «Alternative Summer Break» как с американской стороны, так и с Днепропетровска наконец-то нашли свою реализацию в начальном событии: встрече наших американских друзей с университета “Cornell”. Теплый прием наших иностранных сверстников уже в аэропорту был обозначен украинским колоритом: два днепропетровских гилелевца, одетые в национальные костюмы встречали хлеб солью в буквальном и переносном значении. Каждому из американцев было предложено вкусить кусочек каравая с солью. Днепропетровский ребята сразу же помогли после этого обряда отнести сумки в автобус, который ждал их возле аэропорта, что ни могло оставить след украинского гостеприимства у американцев!!
После сухого повествовательного стиля хочется перейти к более неформально – молодежному извещению своих впечатлений. Во-первых, хочется отметить, что несмотря на изматывающий полет, американские студенты на удивление были энергичными и полны бодрости и энтузиазма!!. Что, собственно говоря, они и показали на общей встрече вечером. Безусловно, нельзя не заметить, что даже вечером у некоторых ребят оставалось еще сил гулять и развлекаться!!! Вот этого мы действительно не ожидали…Сейчас нахожусь в предвкушении следующих дней проекта))

The two-month preparations for the long-awaited project «Alternative Summer Break» as in the United States, and in Dnepropetrovsk eventually found its realization in the initial event: the meeting of our American friends from the “Cornell University”. The warm reception of our foreign peers already at the airport was designated with an Ukrainian tradition: Two Dnepropetrovsk Hillel students dressed in national costumes with other guys greeted American side by the bread with salt in a literal and figurative sense. Each of the Americans was invited to eat a piece of Karawai with salt. Dnepropetrovsk guys helped immediately after the ceremony carry their bags to the bus, which waited for them near the airport. That fact did leave a trace of the Ukrainian hospitability to the Americans!
After a dry narrative style I want to move to a more informal - Youth manner of telling you my impressions. Firstly, I would like to note that despite the grueling flight, American students were surprisingly strong and full of energy and enthusiasm!. What, indeed, they have shown at our common meeting tonight. Of course, I should notice that even at night some guys had liveliness to be more of a walk and have fun! Here, we really did not expect ... now here I am in anticipation of days following the project))
После сухого повествовательного стиля хочется перейти к более неформально – молодежному извещению своих впечатлений. Во-первых, хочется отметить, что несмотря на изматывающий полет, американские студенты на удивление были энергичными и полны бодрости и энтузиазма!!. Что, собственно говоря, они и показали на общей встрече вечером. Безусловно, нельзя не заметить, что даже вечером у некоторых ребят оставалось еще сил гулять и развлекаться!!! Вот этого мы действительно не ожидали…Сейчас нахожусь в предвкушении следующих дней проекта))
The two-month preparations for the long-awaited project «Alternative Summer Break» as in the United States, and in Dnepropetrovsk eventually found its realization in the initial event: the meeting of our American friends from the “Cornell University”. The warm reception of our foreign peers already at the airport was designated with an Ukrainian tradition: Two Dnepropetrovsk Hillel students dressed in national costumes with other guys greeted American side by the bread with salt in a literal and figurative sense. Each of the Americans was invited to eat a piece of Karawai with salt. Dnepropetrovsk guys helped immediately after the ceremony carry their bags to the bus, which waited for them near the airport. That fact did leave a trace of the Ukrainian hospitability to the Americans!
After a dry narrative style I want to move to a more informal - Youth manner of telling you my impressions. Firstly, I would like to note that despite the grueling flight, American students were surprisingly strong and full of energy and enthusiasm!. What, indeed, they have shown at our common meeting tonight. Of course, I should notice that even at night some guys had liveliness to be more of a walk and have fun! Here, we really did not expect ... now here I am in anticipation of days following the project))
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Hi everyone!
My name is Anna (or Anya). I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and lived there for 7 years. Now my family lives near Boston , Massachusetts. I’m 19 years old and entering my third year in Cornell, studying engineering physics. I love traveling- I spent last semester studying in Paris. I also enjoy hiking and having adventures.
Can’t wait to meet everybody!
My name is Anna (or Anya). I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and lived there for 7 years. Now my family lives near Boston , Massachusetts. I’m 19 years old and entering my third year in Cornell, studying engineering physics. I love traveling- I spent last semester studying in Paris. I also enjoy hiking and having adventures.
Can’t wait to meet everybody!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Erica Schonman

Hi! My name is Erica Schonman. I'm from the Washington, D.C. area, and I'll be entering my third year at Cornell. I study Human Development and Global Health at Cornell. I love riding bikes and listening to music. Much of my family came from Russia and Ukraine, so I'm excited to have the opportunity to go on this trip. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!
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